Laura Ramirez (b. 1979) is a ceramic artist based in Madrid, Spain. After living in Australia for eleven years, she graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, majoring in Ceramics, from the National Art School in Sydney.

Before relocating to Spain, Laura was awarded third place in the prestigious, Australia-wide Shelley Simpson Ceramics Prize, and also received the Matilda Kubany-Deane Memorial Prize in 2022. Her work was showcased at the 2022 BFA Graduation Show at the National Art School, and most recently, in 2024, she participated in the group exhibition 1000 Vases at Galerie Joseph in Paris. Her pieces are held in private collections internationally.

Curriculum Vitae

1979 Born in Madrid, Spain
2012-2023 Resided in Sydney, Australia
2023 Moved back to Madrid

Group exhibitions
2024 1000 Vases, Paris, France
2022  BFA Graduation Show, National Art School, Sydney
2022    Natural Haptics, Library Stairwell Gallery, National Art School, Sydney

2022   Bachelor of Fine Art, National Art School, Sydney
2019 Ceramics and Pottery with Deborah Woods, Waverley Woollahra Art School, Sydney
2015   Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Inspire Education, Sydney
2014   Certificate IV in Design, International School of Colour & Design, Sydney
1999 Higher School Certificate, I.E.S. Miguel Delibes, Madrid, Spain

2022 Matilda Kubany-Deane Memorial Prize, Sydney
2022   Shelly Simpson Ceramics Prize, Sydney – Finalist

National Art School’s Collection, Sydney
Held in private collections worldwide

Studio Internship
2022  Assisstant to Ebony Russell in her Porcelain and Lustre workshop, National Art School, Sydney
